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General certificate of participation

You will receive a general certificate of participation by e-mail at the end of the congress. 

Bavarian Medical Association

(Bayerische Landesärztekammer (BLÄK))

Date Time Category Points
Sunday, 2 June 2024 14:30-19:15 B 3
Monday, 3 June 2024 08:30-12:30 B 3
Monday, 3 June 2024 14:00-19:30 B 3
Tuesday, 4 June 2024 08:30-12:00 B 3
Tuesday, 4 June 2024 14:00-17:30 B 3
Wednesday, 5 June 2024 09:00-12:30 B 3
Wednesday, 5 June 2024 12:30-15:45 B 3

If you have provided your EFN during registration/check-in in advance:

  • Please scan your QR code on your name badge at the certification terminal during the time slots mentioned above. Your points will be automatically transmitted to the medical association.

If you have NOT provided your EFN during registration/check-in in advance:

  • Please go to the Check-In and provide your EFN.
  • Then scan your QR code on your name badge at the certification terminal during the time slots mentioned above. Your points will be automatically transmitted to the medical association.

If you have not scanned yourself, it is not possible to scan/obtain certification points at a later date.

You will receive your certificates for the Bavarian Medical Association by e-mail after the congress (corresponding to your scans on site). 

German Institute for Advanced Training for Technologists and Analysts in Medicine

(Deutsches Institut zur Weiterbildung für Technologen/-innen und Analytiker/-innen in der Medizin e.V. (DIW-MTA))

Conference 2-5 June 21 credits, Cat. B

Fortbildungsworkshop zur diagnostischen Mikrobiologie, Teil I & II

4 credits, Cat. C

Stick your barcode only once in the list for the entire congress and only once in the list for the workshop. You will find both lists at the certification counter.

You will receive a confirmation of participation by email 14 days after the conference.

Academy for Continuing Veterinary Education of the German Veterinary Association

(Akademie für tierärztliche Fortbildung der Bundestierärztekammer (ATF))

2 June 4 continuing education hours
3 June 8 continuing education hours
4 June 8 continuing education hours
5 June 5 continuing education hours

Participants will receive a confirmation of participation by email 14 days after the conference. You don't have to do anything else.